

Apr 14 2017

Gallery Of Veerle Wenes Dissolves The Boundaries Between Public And Private Art

Veerle is certainly no stranger to reinvention or imagination, her life has spanned the creative fields: “I’m already 60 years old so I have a bit of a past!” Veerle began her career trajectory as the only woman studying architecture in Ghent during the ’70s, a fact she mentions only in passing—more interested in discussing the practical side of her working life.

<p>Veerle is certainly no stranger to reinvention or imagination, her life has spanned the creative fields: “I’m already 60 years old so I have a bit of a past!” Veerle began her career trajectory as the only woman studying architecture in Ghent during the ’70s, a fact she mentions only in p...
Written By
Constantinos Moraitakis
PhotostoryVeerle Wenes
Apr 13 2017

The Mysterious Hare by Jan Pypers

In an ode to Easter we share what is essentially the Easter Bunny meets Alfred Hitchcock. Others have referred to the series ‘Hare’, by Belgian photographer Jan Pypers, as David Lynch-esq. Such a reference wouldn’t be totally out of place. Creepy, dark, and superimposed with what is essentially an innocent and endearing character...

<p>In an ode to Easter we share what is essentially the Easter Bunny meets Alfred Hitchcock. Others have referred to the series ‘Hare’, by Belgian photographer Jan Pypers, as David Lynch-esq. Such a reference wouldn’t be totally out of place. Creepy, dark, and superimposed with what is essenti...
Written By
Constantinos Moraitakis
PhotostoryJan Pypers
Apr 11 2017

6 Of Pablo Picasso’s Famous Paintings Reimagined In 3D Form

Aquil’s latest work, MIMIC, is a series of new visual experiments using art from the past where he randomly chose six paintings of Pablo Picasso’s work and translated them into shapes to create new 3D pieces.

<p>Pakistani artist, Omar Aquil has recreated iconic Picasso masterpieces into modern 3D geometric forms.</p><p>Aquil’s latest work, MIMIC, is a series of new visual experiments using art from the past where he randomly chose six paintings of Pablo Picasso’s work and translated them into shapes ...
Written By
Constantinos Moraitakis
PhotostoryOmar Aquil
Apr 6 2017

Nendo|Jellyfish Vase For Milan Design Week 2017

Vases that float like jellyfish in the water. 30 vases of various sizes are placed in a 1800 mm aquarium filled with water and the strength and direction of the water’s current is carefully adjusted so that they undulate moderately.

<p>Vases that float like jellyfish in the water. 30 vases of various sizes are placed in a 1800 mm aquarium filled with water and the strength and direction of the water’s current is carefully adjusted so that they undulate moderately. The vases are made out of ultrathin transparent silicon that h...
Written By
Constantinos Moraitakis
Apr 6 2017

Piuarch presents “Flowerprint”

The façade of the building where Piuarch is located – in the courtyard of Via Palermo 5 – will hold an installation completed in collaboration with the landscape architect Cornelius Gavril, in which a vegetable patch/garden decorates the entire front of the building from ground to roof.

<p>The façade of the building where Piuarch is located – in the courtyard of Via Palermo 5 – will hold an installation completed in collaboration with the landscape architect Cornelius Gavril, in which a vegetable patch/garden decorates the entire front of the building from ground to roof.<br /...
Written By
Constantinos Moraitakis

A Mythology of the Unseen


The human spirit perpetually unfolds like a wavy veil, frail but confident, with a fragile but tenacious persistence in its sinuous movement. For every new part which is revealed through this curvy progression, another one becomes hidden, partially distorted and eventually forgotten, unreachable, such as the foregone realities of our origin. For, in this case, our awareness is not subject only to a rational and precious knowledge built upon the foundations of reasoning, but also a matter of how accurately and intimately we perceive the ancestral parts of the human experience, these fundamental fragments that are getting covered by the veil, the links of the past that hold together the chain of our spirit's evolution.

For even reason itself unfolded gradually. It first tried to methodically express everything through unified theories that were including both rational conclusions about the physical world and philosophical assumptions about  the intelligible one as well. These unified theories were attempting an ambitious balance between a mere scientific thought and the metaphysical ideas which dominated the world during the ancient times, resulting both in what became the foundation of modern science but also in a complicated corpus of mystical allegories and obscured interpretations over the human experience.

There are limits to our perception, therefore we are not able to fully perceive what is essentially mind-independent, free of form, shape and definition. We are bound to keep addressing a mental version of reality, limited within the confines of our understanding. Through Mythology the human spirit could philosophically approach those remote areas of a system much bigger than what we are able to perceive. As if through Myths, our spirit is able to overcome the boundaries of the mind and expose our intuition to a much greater reality, letting us lift the veil for a moment and feel what lies underneath. These primordial narratives are not attempting an interpretation of the unknown, but they offer an accumulation of the human experience, they talk about the history of the Psyche or, as Freud described it, the distorted vestiges of the wish-fantasies of whole nations, the age-long dreams of young humanity. Then, in the form of a lucid dream, they reveal the archetypes that connect us with the most distant areas of our spirit, where the seeds of our evolution were first planted into the fertile soil of imagination.

Everything seems to have emerged from the realms of a dream, a parallel universe in space and time without any observers but our own intuition. A world without observers is a world without definitions and therefore things are defined not by the way they appear but by the way they are. Infinite and incomprehensible to our senses. This is where every new idea arises from, within this vast realm of possibilities, so that everything is interpreted and experienced in a new way every time we manage to push the boundaries of our understanding a bit further. Myths continue to echo a signal sent from the very first pulse of humanity, like a dream hanging between the oblivion of a distant past and the revelation of a secret future, in a  world that breathes life into a new reality every time we look at it.


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Mar 24 2017

Petros Koublis Photography| In Dreams

The human spirit perpetually unfolds like a wavy veil, frail but confident, with a fragile but tenacious persistence in its sinuous movement. For every new part which is revealed through this curvy progression, another one becomes hidden, partially distorted and eventually forgotten, unreachable, such as the foregone realities of our origin.

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Written By
Constantinos Moraitakis
PhotostoryPetros Koublis
Mar 14 2017

Illusory Surroundings By Stefan Bladh

For the series ‘Fiction’, Stockholm-based photographer Stefan Bladh captured his surroundings while traveling to create an illusory atmosphere.
While away from his daily life, Bladh’s work depicts his encounters with different places and people in a documentary style

<p>For the series ‘Fiction’, Stockholm-based photographer Stefan Bladh captured his surroundings while traveling to create an illusory atmosphere.</p><p>While away from his daily life, Bladh’s work depicts his encounters with different places and people in a documentary style. In an exclusive ...
Written By
Constantinos Moraitakis
PhotostoryStefan Bladh
Armchair Collection By Deloudis
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