Key Frames by Groupe LAPS at GLOW
The French practice of Groupe LAPS is made up of six very talented individuals, experts in their respective fields of art, design and lighting. Their LED lighting installations consisting of little stick figures...
The French practice of Groupe LAPS is made up of six very talented individuals, experts in their respective fields of art, design and lighting. Their LED lighting installations consisting of little stick figures...
Historical department store in Paris, Le Bon Marché is dedicating all its ten windows to Louis Vuitton for the first time to host this very special collaboration. Heart-shaped shiny balloons, glossy cherries, neon-strip heart shapes and supersized peonies, we discover here another aspect of the cinematographer’s personality...
On the first Sunday in September, the small town of Zunder in the Netherlands, becomes a hive of activity and excitement as thousands of people from all over the globe flock there to witness an amazing event, the Corso Zundert, the annual flower parade.
Retro…that bittersweet taste of reminiscing things of the past; a blissful nostalgic trip down memory lane, paying tribute to a former era, by reinventing its once glorious trends and modes, while preserving their authenticity and celebrating their vintage charm.
60 exhibitions, 700 artists, both Greek and international, with more than 1500 works of art scattered around 88 city blocks. The numbers alone are impressive.
Blue is definitely the new black, from navy to ink and to cobalt it is no wonder why Delood is crazy for all hues of blue this winter! No other color varies so much in terms of references and choice, whether it is in design, fashion, interiors or photography, blue is the color of mystery and subtlety...
A fun collection of portraits depicting many of the international stars of architecture, past and present, is the subject of Archipix by Barcelona based Italian graphic artist, Federico Babina.