In the picturesque town of Mandal, in the south of Norway, 3XN architects of Denmark have recently completed the new cultural centre for its 15.000 residents. Aptly names ‘The Arch’, due to the elegant curving lines of the roof which mirror the surrounding hills and the industrial heritage of a building, which once stood on the same spot. Although a contemporary design, the colour and proportions allow it to blend perfectly with the traditional little white houses which are characteristic of the area.

The 4.500 sqm. concrete structure houses a theatre, cinema, concert hall, library and cafe, all to be enjoyed by the locals and visitors alike. The southern aspect of the building has a facade of glass panes and overlooks the river and the town, allowing natural daylight to flood the bright open interior. Plans are underway for a green roof for the structure, bringing it in line with the environmental awareness of the country.

3XN architects have also designed a bridge, which is currently under construction, and will complement ‘The Arch’ in terms of design and aspect.