Tata Christiane is a fashion label founded in 2007 by Julie Bourgeois and Hanrigabriel. The brand proposes collections with serial and unique pieces and stands with its costume design studio for various cooperations in art performances, theater, cinema, photography and music.
Tata Christiane is a vision of the street costume, it proposes an absurd and disturbing vision of beauty, with decline, maladjustment, extravagance and immoderation. It plays with the borders of elegance and bad taste, digging up our old memories, recycling the waste of our civilisation, and becoming a monomania, a machination and a monstrous and sublime piece. Tata Christiane could have been a punk, if she was not also an ambiguous queen, a one eyed flautist, a gypsy woman and a street child.
Tata Christiane is for boys and girls, women and transvestites, men and old people, kings and madmen. The brand develops two trends / collections a year, producing limited serial clothes and unique pieces. Using hand made and industrial production, the design and the cuts, the materials and the fabrics, follow from the adaptation of poetic museum/costumes/streewear…pieces, into a contemporary street costume.