The Interactive Light Objects are the result of a project that was designed in order to show the interaction between human & object. As the designer Viktor Alexander Kölbig explains “the result should be objects that are more intuitive in use but are also aimed to make acting with light an interactive user experience. The lights don’t have any mechanical elements. Instead of creating separate light and interface objects, I decided to combine them both.
Seide- this lamp develops its fascination the moment you touch the soft, smooth textile interface. Depending on how far it is pushed inside, the user can brighten and dim or turn it off by petting it gently.
Air Light- this lamp is developed to give the user the ability to adjusting the light without touching it. Just the presence of the hand inside the ring is enough to turn it on. A magic color change is triggered when the user simply turns their hand!
Water Light- fascinated by moving water and the reflections of light on the surface, this lamp consists of a light source and container holding water. The water not only spreads the light, but also acts as the interface for adjusting brightness and color. The amount of water added or taken away adjusts the amount of light, and stirring the water with your finger changes the color of the light- just like mixing water colors".
Viktor Alexander Kölbig