A wise person once said that Christmas is a time when memories are made, so why not begin a new family tradition of DIY decorating to add to the memory box? It’s incredibly simple, just decide on a style and colour scheme and look around your home for interesting items to use. Whether you decide on the pale neutral shades of a refined rustic elegance, the holiday palette of red and green for country chic, or just decide to let it take shape as you go along, it’s a great opportunity for family or friends to get together, lend a hand and join in the fun. All that remains is to put on the Christmas music and the stage is set!
Groupings of similar objects, random candlesticks and bowls can be filled with baubles, greenery and simple white candles to create a stunning display. Make sure you have used your walk in the countryside to collect loads of twigs, sticks, pinecones and anything else that catches your eye and you can go to town with a glue gun, glittering objects and ribbons to make a magnificent wreath to hang on your door, publicly announcing your intention to celebrate the happiest season of the year!
Why not make edible decorations this year? Follow the example of the early American settlers who created their colonial style by raiding the pantry to decorate with apples, oranges and strings of dyed popcorn. They baked gingerbread shapes and looked through the sewing box for brightly coloured ribbons and bows, resulting in a warm, homely look, still popular today. Another way to go is the romantic vintage environment of china ornaments with flowers, lace and feathers in pretty pink tones. Of course, the children would be happy to allow their teddies and dolls to be dressed in matching ribbons to join in the festive mood.
There is something satisfying about DIY decorating, it may take a little extra thought and effort but it makes for togetherness and it is another way to make each day leading up to Christmas just a tad more special..!