Currently on show at the Design Museum in London are the designs of the 90 contenders for the sought after title of Design of the Year 2013. Now in its 6th year, this annual event is unique in that it provides an invaluable opportunity for previously unknown or emerging contemporary designers in the realms of Architecture, Digital, Fashion, Furniture, Graphics, Product and Transportation to rub shoulders and compete with the legendary icons of the design world.
This year is no exception in the imaginative diversity of the entrants including Zaha Hadid for the Galaxy Soho Building in Beijing and Renzo Piano with The Shard. The Rain Room, which received resounding success during its exhibition at the Barbican is also an entrant as is a site called which is highly innovative as it dares to introduce children and adults alike to the mysteries of computer programming and hardware.
Particularly noteworthy are the entries with a distinct social message capable of improving the lives of many such as ColaLife, a study of the marketing and distribution methods of the soft drinks giant to distribute the lifesaving ‘Kit Yamoyo’, an anti-diarrhea kit desperately needed in rural areas of Africa and could create a window for the free distribution of other lifesaving medications.
The exhibition which runs from 20th March through 7th July 2013 offers the public the opportunity to get an idea of the latest innovations in the world of design and to learn of the various ways how they could change the world in which we live. A distinguished panel of judges will assess the finalists from each section and announce an overall winner in mid April 2013.