The design concept is based on three principles. An initial focus was the personality of the owner. "Tell me the music that you listen to, and I'll tell you who you are." This statement was a starting-point and roadmap for the look & feel of the concept for Das Neue Kubitscheck and its subsequent implementation. Das Neue Kubitscheck was to combine a café, over-the-counter sales and an exhibition space for gateau collections, uniting these different requirements in a single space. It was accompanied by strategic considerations of the public perception of the company.
The location also played a role; the Westend district is noted for its diverse social classes, with migrant workers, intelligentsia, pensioners and students coexisting in mutual understanding and respect. Das Neue Kubitscheck was designed to symbolize the joy of diversity which arises when individuals meet.
The leitmotif of the corporate design, which also dominated the design of the advertising and communication materials, was a playful approach to - or even a send-up of - tradition. The phrasing focuses on the language of enjoyment and associated themes, and on symbolism borrowed from the semantics of subculture. Communication materials included invitation cards, advertisements, menu cards, website and window signage.