Bread is a simple product, of few ingredients, traditionally displayed and sold simply. The art of a baker such as D. Chirico is to perfect a simple process and do it like few others. The results are evident in their reputation.
At the Carlton edition of Baker D. Chirico in Melbourne, March Studio have taken inspiration from this example, crafting an interior with a simple purpose: to cool the bread fresh out of the oven, to display it naked of packaging and ready to be portioned and sold.
An undulation of CNC routed plywood forms wall and ceiling. Subtractions from the wall provide display areas for bread; the varying depths of the shelves and heights of the subtractions meticulously arranged to accommodate long baguettes, large round pagnotta, ficelle loaves and other creations. The variety and expanse of the wall gives freedom to arrange and alter the display according to mood or season.
Standing in firm counterpoint to the wave of the bread wall, the central counter is conceived of as a giant chopping board, intended to wear and patina gracefully with age and use. Scales, crumb trays, knife holders and POS terminals each have a place on this working bench, all subsumed into the simple sales concept - chop loaf, wrap and sell.