In their new limited edition range of vodka bottles called Absolut Unique, Absolut Vodka appear to have outdone themselves in terms of originality. The seemingly impossible task of creating 4 million individual bottles, each one unique in terms of design and color combinations, has been achieved!
In place of the lineup of international names in the world of art, design and fashion who have collaborated with the art loving Swedish firm, they have created a robotic production line, programmed with algorithms and splash guns. The robot ‘artist’ uses 38 colors and 51 pattern types to produce the never ending range of amazing bottles through a marriage of art, science and technology. Even more mind blowing is that according to Mattias Elg, a Quality Management Professor from the Linkoping University in Sweden, the Absolut system is capable of creating 94 quintillion unique patterns before two similar ones would appear - that equals more than 13 billion bottles for each person on Earth!
The team at Absolut is delighted with the outcome of the project and looks forward to their unique customers being able to have the pleasure of choosing their very own numbered limited edition of Absolut Vodka to enjoy during the Christmas season!