Melvin the Machine appears to be a device like no other. It could be described as a Rube Goldberg machine, a machine which operates via a chain reaction function, but Melvin is certainly far more complex. Created by Studio HEYHEYHEY and associates in response to a request from MU art space to design their show for the Dutch Design Week in 2010, Melvin is a “happening “ rather than an installation.
In the course of a 10 day period more than 14.000 visitors enjoyed Melvin the Machine and became part of the happening. Melvin recorded them, put out a personal message at the start of the run, produced the related merchandise, chose the song for the finale and if this was not enough, instantly reported all of the events on the social networks of Facebook and Twitter.
The personification of Melvin has not produced an online identity, as interaction only takes place simultaneously with its operation, but the friends and followers of Melvin are certainly standing by for the next appearance of this amazing machine.
Melvin aspired to create what the designers called a 'Super Moment'. Check out the four glorious minutes video of Melvin to decide for yourself whether or not they succeeded.
Concept & Art Direction: HEYHEYHEY
Designteam De Ploeg: HEYHEYHEY, Frank Winnubst, Bas van Hout, Bart Bekker, Jeroen Hezemans, Wouter Corvers, Bram de Vries, Dick Lafeber
Directed & Produced by: HEYHEYHEY
Steadicam Operator: Joost van Poppel
Focuspuller: Adriaan van de Polder
Boom operator: Andre Philips
Sound mixed by: Bram Meindersma
Editing by: Sander van der Aa
Music: Woody & Paul
Sponsors: MU, The Cre8ion.Lab, De Ploeg and Municipality of Eindhoven