GT House is located in Londrina, Brazil and was redesigned by Guilherme Torres himself to serve as his permanent residence. Initially accommodating an artist’s painting studio, the apartment was under redecoration for over 10 years.
With concrete being the common denominator throughout the space, the architect chose to emphasize on the simplicity of the architectural details and play with scale and splashes of colour, adding to the spirited character of the flat. He introduced playful patterns through Adrianna Barra’s fabrics and decorated the walls with plotted images of Arabic Mosaic. The rubber coated concrete floors that run through the apartment create an interesting contrast with the master bedroom’s exposed brick wall. The kitchen is compressed in a 1.40m wide by 3m long space and the guest bedroom is located in the mezzanine floor above the living room. The electrical wiring system is exposed, a design inspired by Paulo Mendes da Rocha, an architect famous for exploring Brutalist Architecture.
Due to its simplicity in architectural solutions, this contemporary and funky apartment, with its unique arrangements, was built for the surprising amount of $6000.