After travelling extensively, young Japanese artist, Sayaka Ganz, settled in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is from here that she scours the trash cans and charity stores to collect used materials of plastic and metal from which she creates these amazingly lifelike sculptures of animals and creatures.

She was initially inspired by a love of puzzles as a child together with her memories of the difficulties of adjusting and ‘fitting in’ with new cultures and environments during the course of her travels. However, her upbringing in the Shinto belief that every creature and object has a spirit which becomes distraught when it completes its cycle of usefulness spurred her along to express her talent in this unique form.

The energy and motion that each sculpture is imbibed with truly bestows rebirth to these everyday objects into veritable works of art. Her birds fly and swoop frozen in time, her horses traverse walls effortlessly and her dolphins dive. We can imagine the unimaginable in her incredibly realistic creations.