The latest of the spatial sound installations of young Swiss artist, Zimoun is named simply by a description of its components, 294 prepared dc-motors, cork balls, cardboard boxes 41x41x41cm 2012. This almost room sized work is a mound of neatly piled cardboard boxes containing the motors and cork balls which are synchronized through a complex system of low level mechanics to emit a hypnotic repetitive sound.
On entering the space the visitor is confronted by a powerful sensory experience, a total immersion in the natural acoustic elements of cardboard. This visionary self taught artist constantly explores the acoustic possibilities of the simplest of object and materials. Of his work he states, ‘My audio compositions are less focused on getting from A to B but rather to create static sound architectures and spaces. They should be entered and explored acoustically like a building.’
The installation which was part of the first solo exhibition of Zimoun entitled ‘Emerging Microstructures’, is currently being shown at Rome’s Auditorium where it will remain until 28th February, 2013.