On the occasion of the Light+Building 2016 in Frankfurt, taking place from March 13-18th, we are following up with Architonic’s ranking of the Top Brands - this time drawing special attention to the big hitters when it comes to Lighting Brands.

As the world’s leading and most-trusted research tool for the specification of premium architectural and design products, Architonic is uniquely placed to offer its community relevant and valuable insights into developments in the architecture and design markets.
As part of our ongoing Architonic Trend Analysis series, we have collected traffic information over the course of 2015. Based on the number of relevant search queries entered into the text-search field on architonic.com, we're able to present you a ranking of 2015's Top 20 Lighting Brands, as drawn from our curated database of 1,500 premium brands.

The Top positions start with renowned Italian companies such as Flos, Artemide and Foscarini ranking first, second and third during 2015. Spain is represented with the leading lighting brand Vibia in a highly competitive Number four position. Perhaps unsurprisingly, seven out of twenty Brands are coming from Italy, followed by Belgium, which is with four Lighting Brands the second strongest player.


For fifty years we have been crafting objects of light and shedding brightness on generations of dreams.
For us, light is the substance for expressing new ideas and illuminating unexplored emotions. We write the future, reading our past and expressing the present, in a continuity of positive challenges and bold choices that have shaped our image and identity".