The light in his immense significance can be expressed in many forms through technology and imagination human. Insubstantial, changeable and elusive, light exists and it touches you.

With this introduction, digital story-teller Felice Limosani has created the artwork that interact with light the architecture of Locorotondo to connect the public in a collective experience, rich in meaningssymbolic and visually striking.

The town walls are transformed through artistic metaphor in white sheets on which to tell stories with pipes fluorescent, architectural projections and kinetic lamps. A fascinating journey through neon art, digital animation and sound / light design to celebrate the light and put in the scene “Untaggable Stories”.

“Untaggable Stories” is an urban art project that reflects through lights the concept of “untaggable”, understood as the particular condition in which it is not always possible to define the individual attitudes, the size of the reality or the innovative paths.