Mecenat Art Museum of Hiroshima is a privately funded venture, designed by NAF Architect & Design and sponsored by a student of Japanese painting to provide exhibition space for his highly respected teacher and artist, Mr. Kakudo Goami.

The structure resembles a sheet of origami paper folded and unfolded to expose angles and faceted sections. The interior is an elegant space which does not reflect the stark concrete facade. As wall space is paramount in such a space, no apparent windows have been incorporated into the design but rather a group of triangular shaped openings and myriad star like cut outs, along with skylights and a rather spectacular cylindrical structure, all of which allow natural daylight into the space.

The museum is at one with the environment and its mood and illumination depend very much on the climate, season and even the time of day. Visitors are meant to have a holistic experience where they will not only view the art on display but become immersed in the serenity of the space. At night, the building takes on another appearance as its lights shine from the openings and create a presence in the rural community near Hiroshima.